Alef Beh (Alef Bet) Haqqafoth Mosei Simhath Torah: Midrash BEN ISH HAI
Every Mosei Simhath Torah (after the conclusion of Simhath Torah), Midrash Ben Ish Hai holds the seventh set of seven Haqqafot. It is an amazing celebration of dancing singing and celebration.
This is one of the most requested songs, whose words are simply the Hebrew Alphabet. Watch and be part of it.
Watch pictures of the event.
hakkafot sheniot, hakafot shniot, motzaei simhat torah, motzaei simchat torah, with midrash ben ish hai, rabbi ya’aqob menashe, alef bet gimel dalet heh vav, alef bais gimel daled heh vov, hakkofos, hakofos, hakafos, alef bet, alefbet, hebrew alphabet, simchas torah