The Ohel David Synagogue, the astounding Synagogue built by David Sassoon and completed by his sons, Sir Albert and Elias Sassoon ‘a”h, celebrated its 150th Anniversary. The Chairman and managing trustee of the Sir Jacob Sassoon Trusts, Mr. Solomon Sopher, welcomed the capacity crowd.
Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe of Midrash BEN ISH HAI in New York, who is, himself, a descendant of David Sassoon, and whose father served the trusts as life President for decades, visited India for this memorable occasion and delivered a powerful address which can be seen on this site.
The Governor of Maharashtra, His Excellency Mr. C. Vidyasagar Rao, was the honored guest who graced the occasion.
Among the many personages and dignitaries present, who addressed the august gathering, were Mr. David Akov, Consul General of Israel in Mumbai, Dr. Cyrus Poonawalla, Dr. S. B. Mujumdar, President of Symbiosis, Mr. Summit Mullick, Addition Chief Secretary and Chief of Protocol and Dr. David Penkar, President of Succoth Shelomo Synagogue.