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As the second-oldest surviving synagogue in Mumbai, Keneseth Eliyahoo is the center of the city?s Jewish cultural and religious life. With its Victorian stained glass windows, rich Burmese teak staircases and furnishings, and Minton tile floors imported from Stoke-on-Trent in England, the synagogue is an important cultural and religious treasure.
This irreplaceable site is now in need of comprehensive treatment, as water infiltration has damaged the roof, ceiling, and wall surfaces. The stained glass panels must be cleaned and restored, and the windows, timber balconies, and staircases require careful restoration. This work is urgently needed so that Keneseth Eliyahoo Synagogue will survive to be enjoyed by future generations. The project will proceed in phases, and is estimated to cost upward of $750,000.
World Monuments Fund works around the world to save the world?s most treasured places. WMF?s efforts to preserve Keneseth Eliyahoo Synagogue are part of their Jewish Heritage Program, launched in 1988, which has provided support for Jewish sites in more than 20 countries, ranging in date from the fifteenth to the early twentieth centuries.
You can join WMF in helping to ensure Keneseth Eliyahoo Synagogue?s future by making a contribution today toward Phase I of the project, which will cost $250,000. In addition, your chance to make a difference is now doubled, as WMF is matching all gifts received up to $125,000. Your contribution will be matched dollar for dollar and will go directly toward restoring this important landmark.
For more information about Keneseth Eliyahoo, please visit