Shabbath Queen & Women
The Shabbath Queen and Women: The Daughters of a King By Rabbanith Ruth Menashe Friday, as we know, is an unusually challenging day. Somehow, we (almost all of us) find ourselves racing against time till the very last minute. It almost seems like an ongoing struggle to arrive at candle lighting on time and relaxed....
The Power of a Jewish Woman
The Power of a Jewish Woman By Rabbanith Ruth Menashe Recently, I came across a newspaper which listed the names and pictures of women who “are making their mark on the corporate front, and wield considerable power within them.” Some of them are running multibillion dollar divisions, or oversee over a hundred thousand employees worldwide,...
If You’re Happy and You know it
If you’re happy and you know it… By Rabbanith Ruth Menashe Imagine a lady, from two or three generations ago, taking a tour of a modern mall. She moves from a breathtaking jewelry store with dazzling diamonds and shining gold to a high-tech electronics store with all the latest gadgets. She moves from one clothing...
Bringing Peace Into Our Homes
Bringing Peace Into Our Homes By Rabbanith Ruth Menashe If you were asked what relationships are most meaningful in your life, what would you answer? If you are hesitating about what your response should be, perhaps the following Midrash will give you a helpful hint. A couple that had been married for ten years was...
Ruth – Mother of Royalty
Ruth - Mother of Royalty By Rabbanith Ruth Menashe What is it in the story of Ruth that is so intriguing and appealing? Why is it that when we read Meghillath Ruth our emotions and admiration arise? Ruth was of royal lineage, the daughter of the king of Moab. Later on, the daughter of this...
Summer Challenges & Triumphs
Summer - Trials, Challenges and Triumphs By Rabbanith Ruth Menashe Low cut tops, short skirts, and sleeveless dresses are some of the immediate associations with summer in the mind of society today. This is the world in which we live and every single one of us is affected, to one degree or another, by its...
Please hear my prayer
Please hear my prayer (Tehillim 39:13) By Rabbanith Ruth Menashe Every single person in the world lacks something. In fact, the world was created in such a way that there is no such thing as a human being who has everything. Some long for health, others wish they had a slightly greater (or a much...
Who is the respected woman?
Who is the respected woman? By Rabbanith Ruth Menashe There have been instances of brides who stepped on the foot of the groom under the Huppah. These were not accidental, but deliberate acts. Some of these marriages ended in divorce. In fact, I even heard a case of a groom informing the bride of their...
Heart – A Most Powerful Tool
The Heart - A Most Powerful Tool By Rabbanith Ruth Menashe A close friend of mine who was diagnosed with a terminal disease, made the following statement in one of her close heart to heart conversations with me. She uttered a sentence which moved me and has not left me since. Her words were so...
Transforming the Physical into the Spiritual
Transforming the Physical into the Spiritual By Rabbanith Ruth Menashe It has become the fashion, in the last few years, for people to declare that they are “spiritual.” Why not? It seems rather impressive to associate oneself with what is holy and pure, rather than physical and materialistic. We can understand why some people will...
Our Crowning Glory – Rabbanith Ruth Menashe
Our Crowning Glory(What does G-d want from us?) By Rabbanith Ruth Menashe An amazing video, by Rabbanith Ruth Menashe, for Women and Girls. Rabbanith Ruth Menashe speaks from the heart, about the very essence of a Jewish woman, and what G-d wants from us. A must watch for all women. Includes a special...
My Personal Test is a Growing Experience – Rabbanith Ruth Menashe
An inspiring video, by Rabbanith Ruth Menashe, for Women and Girls. ? My Personal Test is a Growing Experience - Rabbanith Ruth Menashe from Non Stop Torah. Watch Rabbanith Ruth Menashe's other powerful videos at:? Print -------- rabbanit ruth menashe, rebetzin, rebbetzin ruth menashe, rus menashe, rut menashe, rachel immenu, overcoming cancer, overcoming personal...
Rabbanit Ruth Menashe – My Challenges and Journey to the Light Video