DATEin8 ™




If you areJewish and Single,
Midrash BEN ISH HAI presents:

8 Minute Dating at its best!  

We are happy to announce another of our extremely popular DATEin8™ (DATE in 8™) 8 minute dating events for Jewish Singles.

How it Works:
Participants are paired with Jewish singles,
in their age range, for one-to-one sessions of 8 minutes each. There is a break to enable you to meet any of the participants at the event.

When is the next one?:
They are held on a regular basis. Please complete the form below to be notified of the next event. The events have traditionally been held in the New York area, but will be held in other locations in the future, based on demand.

What are the age groups?
They are held for different age groups. Participants are paired with Jewish singles, in their age range.

What do I get and what does it cost?
In addition to the eight minute dating, the evening includes a dairy Italian dinner and costs just $36, all inclusive.

Wiill there be room for me and how do I get selected?
Space is always extremely limited, and demand is high.Submitting the form below will put you on the list for the next event as it becomes available. It does not automatically guarantee you participation in the next DATEin8™ event, but we do try to accommodate as many people as possible. Due to the nature of the event,
pre-registration is required.

To submit your name for selection, please complete the form below, read the terms and conditions and press the “I Agree. Send Form” button. 

Please tell all your single friends about it.