How to Shake the Lulab

The Lulab and Ethrogh must be held during the Na’anu’im (shaking) in the direction in which they grow. The prevalent custom is to hold the Ethrogh upside down, while saying the blessings, because the Lulab and Ethrogh must not be held together the correct way till the blessing has been recited. It is then turned the right way up and held together with the Lulab after the blessing. This is followed by moving them forward and and back three times for Sephardim, or shaking them, for Ashkenazim.

There are certain additional differences between Sepharadim and  Ashkenazim in the manner in which the Lulab and Ethrogh are used.

The waving of the Lulab by Sepharadim is done by moving it,  three times, to and from one’s chest (as opposed to shaking it in front  of one). The waving is done is this order: South, North, East, Up,  Down and West. The order for Ashkenazim is generally East, South, West, North, Up, Down,and, in addition,  Ashkenazim always face forward (East) at all times and change the direction  in which the Lulab is pointing. Sepharadim physically turn around, so that the Lulab is always facing forward.

The Na’anu’im according to the Sephardi custom is as follows:

The first shaking is done facing South, three times, with a to-and-fro motion from the chest.
The second is done facing North, three times, with a to-and-fro motion from the chest.
The third is done facing East, three times, with a to-and-fro motion from the chest.
The fourth is done upwards while still facing East, three times, with a to-and-fro motion from the chest.
The fifth is done downwards while still facing East, three times, with a to-and-fro motion from the chest.
The sixth is done facing West, three times, with a to-and-fro motion from the chest.
When turning, one always turns towards the right.

The custom is to do one set of Na’anu’im  immediately after the Blessing.
During the Hallel, when the first Hodu is said, the Lulab and Ethrogh are shaken as follows:
Hodu – South
LaShem – no shaking is done
Ki – North
Tob – East
Ki – Up
Le’olam – Down
Hasdo – West

During the two recitations of Anna H’ Hoshi’anna, it is done on both occasions as follows:
A – South
Na – North
HaShem – no shaking is done
Ho- East
Shi – Up
‘A – Down
Na – West

Then during the final Hodu it is done once on the first recitation only, as follows:
Hodu – South
LaShem – no shaking is done
Ki – North
Tob – East
Ki – Up
Le’olam – Down
Hasdo – West

This makes a total of four times during the Hallel.



 Taken from the writings of the Hakham, Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe.


how to shake the lulav, naanuim, Sukkot, succot, succos, sukkos, lulav and etrog, lulav and esrog, sukkah, succah, ki basukkot hoshavti et b’nei yisrael, ananei hakavod, kiddush, kiddish, layla vaday, brocho, bracha, berakha of lishev basukkah, leshev basukkah basuccah, shehecheyanu, kerieh moed, minhag. ,abraham yitzchak, yaakov, moshe, aharon, yosef, david, hadasim and aravot aravos, sephardic, ashkenazic, megilah of kohelet koheles, leil hoshana raba, devarim, 15th of tishrei, East