Recurring Donation

Donate to Midrash BEN ISH HAI

Monthly recurring donations make it easy to support your favorite project(s) at Midrash BEN ISH HAI.

You can specify if you wish to direct your donation to a specific cause, including the daily “A Torah Minute” website, the free distribution of  CD’s, live lectures and daily Shiurim (Torah classes), Jewish singles events,, book publications, or any of the causes of Midrash BEN ISH HAI that have touched you.

To set up a new tax deductible monthly donation, please select the amount you wish to pledge below and the subscription will be handled safely by PayPal.

If you prefer to make a one-time donation, please use the one-time donation form.

Thank you for your generous support.

$526 monthly donation
$360 monthly donation
$260 monthly donation
$180 monthly donation
$101 monthly donation
$72 monthly donation
$52 monthly donation
$36 monthly donation
$26 monthly donation
$18 monthly donation
$10 monthly donation


Q. How do I stop my recurring donation?
A. Your ongoing support is important to us, but we make it easy to cancel your recurring donation. Click the unsubscribe button below or log into your PayPal account and cancel your subscription.