Selected Tehillim - Psalms

For the ENTIRE Tehillim in Hebrew, click here.

Psalm 221
1. Sheer Lamma’aloth Essa 'Enai Il Hehareem, Me’ayin Yabo ‘Ezree.
2. ‘Ezree Me’eem Adho-nai, ‘Oseh Shamayim Wa-ares.
3. Al Yitten Lamot Raghlekha, Al Yanoom Shomrekha.
4. Hinneh Lo Yanoom Welo Yeeshan, Shomer Yisrael.
5. Adho-nai Shomrekha, Adho-nai Sillekha ‘Al Yad Yemeenekha.
6. Yomam HashemeshLo Yakkekka Weyareyah Balayla.
7. Adho-nai Yishmorkha Mikkol Ra’, Yishmor Eth Nafshekha.
8. Adho-nai Yishmor Sethkha Ubo-ekha, Me’attha We’ad ‘Olam. 

Psalm 130
1. Sheer Hamma’aloth, Mimma’amaqqim Qeratheekha Adho-nai.
2. Adho-nai Shim’ah Beqoli Tihyena Oznekha Qashubboth, Leqol Tahanoonai.
3. Eem ‘Awonoth Tishmor Ya-h, Adho-nai Mee Ya’amod.
4. Kee ‘Immekha Hasseleeha, Lema’an Tiwwareh.
5. Qiweethee Adho-nai Qiwwetha Nafshee, Welidbaro Hohalti.
6. Nafhee Ladho-nai, Mishomreem Labboqer Shomreem Labboqer.
7. Yahel Yisrael Il Adho-nai Kee ‘Eem Adho-nai Hahesed, Weharbeh ‘Immo Phedooth.
8. Wehoo Yiphdeh Eth Yisrael, Mikkol ‘Awonothaw.


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