Selihoth With Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe

Listen to Excerpts of the Selihoth with the Hakham

Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe

at the Midrash BEN ISH HAI

audio Ya-h Shema’ Ebyonekha


audio Rahum Wehannun/Hatanu Lefanekha


audio Abinu Malkenu


audio E-l Rahum Shemakh


audio Lema’ankha


audio Shomer Yisrael


audio Hear the Shofar (blown by Sam Benjamin)


Listen to Excerpts of the Selihoth with the Hakham

Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe

at the world renowned Keneseth Eliyahoo Synagogue
in Mumbai (Bombay), India

Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe, Shomer Yisrael. שומר ישראל

Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe, Hatanu Lefanekha. חטאנו לפניך

Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe, Abinu Malkenu. אבינו מלכינו

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